'Good Vibes only' got to Go!

Have you heard the term toxic positivity before and wondered what it means exactly and why it's actually just as damaging for us as toxic negativity is? 

Think if you will a spectrum.  My mind works in spectrums, grids, blueprints, and sacred geometry connecting the dots all over into the center where we're all connected as One. ....

On the left side, we've got your extreme Toxic Positivity, which is when people are in literal denial of the entire, whole experience.  
On the right side, we've got extreme Toxic Negativity, which is when people are in literal denial of the entire, whole experience.  

~~~~~~Both EXCLUDE a whole, honest, picture of reality~~~~~~

And then in the middle, well that's where the magic and golden Space is.... we'll get to this in a moment but first let's make a couple distinctions!

Toxic Positivity ::
~This is where "good vibes only" lives.  

~People who're in extreme emotional suppression, denial, disconnection, only experiences of "happy, positive, sun shiney, higher perspective 100% of the time, positive feelings and positive thinking 100% of the time, spiritual bypassing" exists

~People deny themselves, so they also deny others from feeling their emotions and being honest about the pain and suffering in their lives and the world

~This is a detrimental denial of truth, and truth as we know it is Love.

Toxic Negativity ::
~This is the complete opposite of toxic positivity. It's when reality is slanted and sways extreme to the nay sayers, doom & gloom, victim blameshifting mentality, it's always someone or something outside of oneself to blame, disdain for humanity and the planet, toxic gossip, your regular "buzz kill" experience!

~People on this extreme side many times call themselves "realists". 
However, there's nothing real about being slanted and excluding an entire, whole picture of reality.

~This, like toxic positivity, is a detrimental denial of truth, and truth as we know it is Love.

From here, we have everywhere in between on the spectrum.

Where is the optimal, ideal place to focus from?

Yes, of course, it's the middle point! 

It's always about the middle point.
Zero point.
This is where the entire truth, entire picture, wholeness, harmony, and infinite possibilities exist.

The middle point is where we are present with all the things.  
We feel all our emotions.

We don't deny, we don't exclude. We include. We are inclusive, unified, cohesive within. 

We're not fighting or resisting against anything.

We're not suppressing ourselves in either extreme.
We're not denying our pain, nor are we denying our true inner power, authentic magnificence, and the power of the universe that's working through us all.

We allow THE  w h o l e  experience in it's entirety.

We don't blame others and the "terrible" world for misfortunes of life.  Nor are we trashing our minds with constant junky thinking and extreme toxic skewed negativity.  

We are in the middle : Holding and Being with it all.  

From this Middle Balance Space, We have both of our feet deep rooted into the 3DR earth plane, honoring the planet's suffering while simultaneously honoring the Divine orchestration that is orchestrating Us.

We relate with each other with our feet in the salt of the earth ground as we are connected within to the Wisdom of our Higher Consciousness.  

We don't deny humanity's suffering, the patriarchy, racism, sexism, all these oppressive ism's. We are WITH all of it honestly.

We take inspired actions to transform what is oppressive, unjust, and simply not working.

We shift, transform, think, & feel from the Space of Truth--which is from the space of the middle zero point.

Spirituality is about unsuppressing ourselves of our limitations and resistances so that we free ourselves as we be ourselves fully from within. 

As we humans evolve our emotional IQ we'll unify the split/polarity experiences of this or that, all or nothing, positive or negative.  

We will, we already are, unifying with the wholeness of our entire earth experience as much as we're unifying with the wholeness of our entire consciousness.  

S i m u l t a n e o u s l y.

Do you tend to sway towards one side of the spectrum or another?

Open your Awareness, and invite yourself into the middle. 
Strengthen your Focus and Being from this Space:
What do you see from this Space?
What do you feel from this Space?
What does your body feel from this Space?
Do you feel any resistances & discomforts from this Space?
What's possible from this Space?  

This is where  F l o w  &  E q u i t y  lives.  

Sending you Zero point Love from my flow to yours,