'Good Vibes only' got to Go!

Have you heard the term toxic positivity before and wondered what it means exactly and why it's actually just as damaging for us as toxic negativity is? 

Think if you will a spectrum.  My mind works in spectrums, grids, blueprints, and sacred geometry connecting the dots all over into the center where we're all connected as One. ....

On the left side, we've got your extreme Toxic Positivity, which is when people are in literal denial of the entire, whole experience.  
On the right side, we've got extreme Toxic Negativity, which is when people are in literal denial of the entire, whole experience.  

~~~~~~Both EXCLUDE a whole, honest, picture of reality~~~~~~

And then in the middle, well that's where the magic and golden Space is.... we'll get to this in a moment but first let's make a couple distinctions!

Toxic Positivity ::
~This is where "good vibes only" lives.  

~People who're in extreme emotional suppression, denial, disconnection, only experiences of "happy, positive, sun shiney, higher perspective 100% of the time, positive feelings and positive thinking 100% of the time, spiritual bypassing" exists

~People deny themselves, so they also deny others from feeling their emotions and being honest about the pain and suffering in their lives and the world

~This is a detrimental denial of truth, and truth as we know it is Love.

Toxic Negativity ::
~This is the complete opposite of toxic positivity. It's when reality is slanted and sways extreme to the nay sayers, doom & gloom, victim blameshifting mentality, it's always someone or something outside of oneself to blame, disdain for humanity and the planet, toxic gossip, your regular "buzz kill" experience!

~People on this extreme side many times call themselves "realists". 
However, there's nothing real about being slanted and excluding an entire, whole picture of reality.

~This, like toxic positivity, is a detrimental denial of truth, and truth as we know it is Love.

From here, we have everywhere in between on the spectrum.

Where is the optimal, ideal place to focus from?

Yes, of course, it's the middle point! 

It's always about the middle point.
Zero point.
This is where the entire truth, entire picture, wholeness, harmony, and infinite possibilities exist.

The middle point is where we are present with all the things.  
We feel all our emotions.

We don't deny, we don't exclude. We include. We are inclusive, unified, cohesive within. 

We're not fighting or resisting against anything.

We're not suppressing ourselves in either extreme.
We're not denying our pain, nor are we denying our true inner power, authentic magnificence, and the power of the universe that's working through us all.

We allow THE  w h o l e  experience in it's entirety.

We don't blame others and the "terrible" world for misfortunes of life.  Nor are we trashing our minds with constant junky thinking and extreme toxic skewed negativity.  

We are in the middle : Holding and Being with it all.  

From this Middle Balance Space, We have both of our feet deep rooted into the 3DR earth plane, honoring the planet's suffering while simultaneously honoring the Divine orchestration that is orchestrating Us.

We relate with each other with our feet in the salt of the earth ground as we are connected within to the Wisdom of our Higher Consciousness.  

We don't deny humanity's suffering, the patriarchy, racism, sexism, all these oppressive ism's. We are WITH all of it honestly.

We take inspired actions to transform what is oppressive, unjust, and simply not working.

We shift, transform, think, & feel from the Space of Truth--which is from the space of the middle zero point.

Spirituality is about unsuppressing ourselves of our limitations and resistances so that we free ourselves as we be ourselves fully from within. 

As we humans evolve our emotional IQ we'll unify the split/polarity experiences of this or that, all or nothing, positive or negative.  

We will, we already are, unifying with the wholeness of our entire earth experience as much as we're unifying with the wholeness of our entire consciousness.  

S i m u l t a n e o u s l y.

Do you tend to sway towards one side of the spectrum or another?

Open your Awareness, and invite yourself into the middle. 
Strengthen your Focus and Being from this Space:
What do you see from this Space?
What do you feel from this Space?
What does your body feel from this Space?
Do you feel any resistances & discomforts from this Space?
What's possible from this Space?  

This is where  F l o w  &  E q u i t y  lives.  

Sending you Zero point Love from my flow to yours,

Are you living in a friendly universe?

…Or are you living in a fearful one?

This robust dynamic world is filled of all of the things, all of the experiences, and all of the emotions.

It’s a choice what universe or matrix you are living.

We are the Creators of our lives. That means, we create and co-create everything we experience.  Do you own that? Do you feel the power in that?

Whatever you believe (and you will find plenty of evidence to support your beliefs in the external world), see, feel, intend, and act upon will indeed be your reality.

Many people feel guilty for being happy, peaceful, abundant because “this world is filled with suffering!”

Many people don’t have models of how to be at peace, joyful, or merely content, and so may feel confusion on how to experience a higher emotional reality.

Yes, this world is filled with pain & sorrow. Grief & unimaginable losses and tragedies.

This world is filled with the most exquisite beauty, euphoria, miraculous love and synchronicities too.

Sure, this world is filled with people who feel miserable, are experiencing pain, and showing up with greed & control to distract from their own inner pain.


Every day you choose.

Be intentional about your choices and what you desire to live.

If you desire to experience more happiness then you must be committed to align your thoughts, sight, feelings, WORDS, conversations, and intentional actions on happiness.

This is how the world changes before your eyes.  You will be happiness more, you will SEE happiness more, you will act from kindness and generosity more.  Others will experience human kindness through you showing up as kindness.

Btw, Kindness is contagious!

You are oh so worthy, Dear One, to be the kind of human you desire for all of humanity to level up as.

Its begins within each of us.

Practice Each morning:
Put your hand on your heart space, feel your heart space, call your Soul forward

Say outloud:
Today, I choose to believe I live in a kind universe
I see kindness, generosity, and compassion wherever I am today
I am a kind human, I believe I am kind, I feel love and compassion, I act from kindness
I believe in human kindness
I believe the universe is a kind and loving universe
I interact with kind people everywhere I go today
I smile and see others smiling wherever I am today
I experience synchronicity after synchronicity today
I am in the divine flow of universal kindness today
Yes! Yes! Yes! 

Tell me what happens when you begin your day off this way each morning!
What do you encounter along your day?
How many smiles & helpful actions do you give and see from others today?
How much is your hope elevated because you live in a friendly world?

You are worthy to elevate, dear Love.
Heart elevating,

Your Holiday boundaries 101

1-- To begin with, know that you matter
*Your feelings matter
*Your needs matter
*What's right for you and what's not right for you matters

2-- You have full permission to cultivate ALL of your relationships, whether it be parents/siblings/friends/coworkers, from a place inside yourself that honors your boundaries of what's right for you and what's not right for you

3-- Remember there are a lot of humans who won't honor and respect your boundaries unless you do. People learn from you how to treat you, how to respect you, how to even "see" you based upon how you allow yourself to be treated. It's an automatic response and interaction process even from fellow seemingly conscious humans. Make sure you're only allowing what you truly deserve & desire so you experience from others what you truly deserve & desire.
*Also note simultaneously: how others see you is a reflection of themselves & not you

4-- Say Yes to invites & gatherings when it's a yes! No when it's a no!
*You have permission to decline invites that're a clear No for you.
*You have permission to limit your time spent at gatherings that're a no for you.
*You have permission to honor your time, aka your LIFE, to those people who respect you

5-- You have permission to exit conversations that're draining or toxic.
*You are not a hostage to anyone else's agenda of conversation or drama no matter who or what the topic is at hand.
*You have permission to change the topic of conversation at any time.
*You also have permission to leave the event at any time, to go outside to get fresh air and take a break at any time, or to only engage with others at the event that bring neutrality or uplifting love & shared joy to your experience

I hope this helps you! I invite you to really honor yourself this holiday season, practice claiming your own space by setting & implementing through your actions CLEAR and strong boundaries.

Your future Self thanks you big time, because honoring yourSelf & your Life FULL ON in these ways is exactly how you step into your Highest, Truest, most honorable Self and Highest Life!

I know the holidays can be challenging for many because of dysfunctional family dynamics, perhaps grieving or losses are activated, or feeling alone can be challenging for many.

Please know that you are not alone.

Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you could benefit from more 1:1 attention by clicking on the button below.

I get it. I see you.

I'm sending you so much love from my heart to yours,


#1 trick to release stress from your body NOW

SHAKE IT OUTTA You! It’s biology. It’s nature. Animals do it & we have animal bodies.

We are animals and somehow, perhaps because of our societal conditioning & all the ego judgements that tell us "I'll look weird" or "what will people think if they see me shaking and moving my body" or "this isn't civilized" or blah blah blah...  the judgements and societal programming goes on and on..  we've kept ourselves from the #1 most organic & instantaneous way to literally shake and release our stressors right out of us.

This perpetuates you being bogged down (literally) from the past instead of living ever so presently in your NOW moments.

When animals encounter any kind of trauma or disrupting encounter, they immediately shake their bodies to release that experience out of them.  

Every experience, stress, & trauma you've experienced are stored in your cells and your physical body. 

When you shake you literally disrupt that cellular buildup, disperse the energies, and move it out of you.

I suggest doing this 10, um 20, ... um 30 times a day.  

You can do it for 3 seconds or longer.  It doesn't matter how long you shake for just do it (consistently) and see how much lighter and better you feel!

Your mind, emotions, and body are connected.  This means that EVERY time you think a stressful thought you'll immediately FEEL that stress in your body. 

There are actual neurons that fire and are wired to activate that stressful thought and emotion to a location(s) in your physical body.  It's why your body can feel overwhelmed, bogged down, lethargic, "lazy", heavy, paralyzed in fear, anxious, etc.

So, shake because you already feel good and you'll continue feeling good as well as strengthening your neural pathways in your brain & body of FEELING GOOD.
Shake as soon as you feel stress and you'll literally shake that stress (the past) out of your cells.

**BONUS: as you're shaking or right as you finish, think a high vibe thought and you'll rewire your brain neurons to simultaneously signal to your physical body this higher vibe thought & belief.  The more you do this, the more you create a neural pathway that joins your belief systems, emotions, and physical body to BE this higher vibe thought & belief pattern.

**What we think, feel, and believe :: we BEcome.**

You DO have the power to change your brain, as is backed up by Neuroscience, which in recent times has discovered that our brains our malleable (neuroplasticity), and the more you understand how to USE your brain to work for you the less you'll be overcome by stress in your life :: The more you'll be living activated in your Prefrontal Cortex :: which is where your Greatest, Truest, Highest Self resides.

**More of Neuroscience, how to calm your limbic system (flight, fight, flee response) and how to AMP up your prefrontal cortex (your HIGHEST EXPANSIVE brain matter where your Greatest Self & Life resides) in 2020!!

Your prefrontal cortex is literally mapped with your 3rd Eye. 
Get present to that one :)

Why should you care about neuroscience, understanding basics about your limbic system & prefrontal cortex, and the malleability of reshaping your brain? 

Well, the more you understand your limbic system that's been creating your overwhelming, overstressed life experience because your limbic system still believes you're in constant danger/survival or that a tiger is charging after you(!) and it's serving to protect you like it did ions ago, the more you'll understand how to create a more evolved, UPdated relationship (of calm) with your beautiful limbic system as your Prefrontal Cortex takes center stage NOW in your life, which is where all your dreams live!

And I am oh SOOOOO elated to get to share these understandings with you so that you will feel more chill, relaxed, & at peace as you evolve your brain so that you experience the greatest life you deserve!

Prefrontal Cortex activation to you & yours,
Janet Nicksic

You are indeed safe to be within, and it's your natural born birthright to know it, feel it, & Be it.

Your natural life of infinite miracles & possibilities all comes back to this belief, thought, and feeling of safety.

The more you believe, think, and feel your safety the more you are present in your body and present now.

Our trajectory as a human species is aligning with our inherent safety and Be-ing present now.

The 3D reality is all about time being experienced as linear-past, present, and future.

4D and 5D are breaking through that limitation of compartmentalizing time, space, LIFE .... relinquishing operating from the past, and surrendering into the spaciousness of now.

Here are some tips to tune you to now -- Now :

1-- Feel your feet, legs, hips, and breathe your breath into the lower part of your body. Feel your Presence within your limbs, fingertips, body.

2-- Say to yourself as you line up stronger with the belief:
I AM SAFE. My body is safe. It's safe for me to be of my body. It's safe for me to be Me.

3-- Breathe

4-- Breathe

5-- See your immediate surroundings, notice the walls, colors in the room, your hands and feet to bring you immediately into your Now present moment.

6-- Say within yourself, "I am here now. Now is now. All there is is Now." *Breathe* "I am safe to be here now. I have full permission to be my Ultimate Presence now." Breathe.

7-- I AM SAFE.

8-- Breathe.

Do this practice, uuuuh, 100 - 1000 times a day! :)

***Write these words on your mirror, make signs for you to read the words, I AM SAFE, in multiple places in your spaces. This will really shift your beliefs and you to align more into the experience of Now.

Repetition in multiple creative ways helps you to really become this belief.

Again, remember, it is your natural born birthright to feel safe, be at ease within your body, and be your Ultimate Presence now.

You have full permission to feel at ease & safe now,

What my friend's death is teaching me this year....


It was late Monday night at 12am, almost 4 months ago when I heard that my beloved friend was killed earlier that morning at the age of 40.

The angels had literally swooped me back to the states, which was a series of synchronistic events, prior to his death. We shared a home together, and we had created a safe haven full of soul family, soul animals, and loving community.

My beloved friend was a lover of many kinds. A true lover of the arts with exquisite taste and attention to the finest details of pleasure. He was hilarious and sassy. He was conscientious, had the softest most generous & giving heart, and was a visionary & a do-er in this world. All of his ideas he co-created were always about community and bringing more love, beauty, & freedom to humanity through the arts, music, culture, and the healing world. He created an actual community for all of us to share and join together in friendship and home. He was one of the most loving, inspiring, & generous hearts I've ever known.

He was killed by another man. There were a string of these murders targeting the LGBQT community, and his was another one of this thread.

When our mutual friend told me the news, I felt flooded with the deepest emotions all at once, and had (still have) many flashes of vivid memories come to me as if I were seeing our lives together flash through my mind within seconds...

The rainbow flag, that he proudly hung up at the front entrance for all of the city to see. It was the first rainbow flag in the city, and I can still see his gorgeous smile of pride for being himself as he welcomed people from all over the world home to our home so they felt safe, welcomed, and felt belongingness. He was a mover & shaker for the LGBQT community, and is one of the major courageous humans bringing the next revolution of freedom to Mexico.

Life is poetry. I open myself to the gifts within his passing.

He shares major messages to elevate humanity not just in the way he lived life but also in the way he died.

I understood that the guy who did this was ashamed of his own self, but still in my intense feelings of grief, shock, & deep sadness, I kept asking "Why did this have to happen???" "This wasn't how it was supposed to be!" and "We didn't see this coming!"

I understood it through a psychological & spiritual lens but I wasn't interested in dishonoring my friend's life (and death), nor myself by spiritually bypassing my deep grief & all of the rich gifts here by superficially jumping to the higher perspective.

I desire to drop to my knees to feel it all, and to rise within the power of honest emotion to meet with my spiritual knowing.

Through my daily contact with my beloved friend from "beyond the veil", he communicated to me a major gift to receive. He showed me how this human didn't "take" his life because my friend loved men, it was because this guy wasn't willing on accepting & loving up his own shame within himself.

In that moment, I heard the voice say to me,
"What about you?"
And then asked,
"What are you not accepting within your own self?"
"Where are you not in acceptance of the people in your life?"
"Where are you not in acceptance of any part of your life?":

My entire heart exploded open to the grace of his death, his eternal life in this moment.

There had been many places in my life that'd been challenging for me to accept. Not having my biological family in my life anymore who were supposed to love me unconditionally and share basic respect. It had been challenging to accept them for who they are & for who they are not. Feeling challenged with accepting myself for making the conscious choice to leave this family lineage of fear, because I felt deep guilt around making that massive choice of Self-love for myself.... because, was I really worthyof loving myself that much?

Yes, I am worthy. I accept my worthiness now.

Also, I had not been accepting myself for WHO I truly am; that there's nothing damaged about me or wrong about me and there's nothing villian-ness about me; no matter what I was ever told or believed to be as truth about myself.

I'm learning to accept that I am a powerhouse of the heart. I am perfectly imperfect and a courageous, brave Soul. I am a fierce truth bringer, and I'll only stand for truth & honesty no matter the cost or the loss in my life.

I'm also learning to accept that many times I feel shame when I'm vulnerable, and that this is a natural part of the human experience. (Thank you Brene!!) I accept that I love up the shame more times than not now as it arises, and I feel deep self-love as a result of allowing myself to be this vulnerable & real.

I'm learning to accept even more how loved and important I am to many, without minimizing my own inherent gifts. It can be easier to see others with profound love than it is to know ourselves. Our honest knowing of ourselves is a lifelong relationship til the day we leave these bodies and remember it all ;)

This is where our power is. Rather than blaming or focusing on how others have "treated" me or how someone else "killed" my friend, who I adore beyond measure, I go within.

I do what I wished that person had chosen to do for himself, which was to accept himself & love UP, relentlessly, all parts of his own shame with all the self-love that he too had always been worthy of... And, he still is worthy.

Acceptance is were liberation exists.

Acceptance is a choice. It's one of the most challenging experiences to be present with because within it requires a lot of letting go.

It requires being truly honest about those in your life who don't serve the truth of you & letting those people go. It's being honest with yourself how limiting belief systems are lies you've believed about yourself, they're harming you, are outdated, not serving you anymore, and it's time to let them go. It involves feeling a lot of painful emotions that you may have stuffed inside yourself when you were a child out of survival, and choosing to love her up loyally for the rest of your life.

Acceptance is how this world changes. As you accept the areas of yourself, relationships, & your life that you've been in denial of... you begin to take more empowered actions to change your life.

You begin BEING and living a more authentic and honest life.

You begin allowing only those who match your authenticity into your close circle.

*Can you feel that? From that real place, where you accept full responsibility foreverything in your life, can you feel and imagine what's possible from this place?

*Can you feel your own self-love & personal freedom as you step into more ownership ofall the things in your life?

I'd love to hear from you how you are accepting ALL the parts of yourself and your life!

Sending unconditional PRIDE to you in every moment,

3 ways to level UP this holiday season

Don't trip this holiday season...


You're on your way to your family's gatherings or you yourself are hosting this year and you're feeling triggered or dread just wishing it to be done with already?

Or perhaps you don't actually have "family" to gather with and are feeling alone or pressured?

Or maybe you're feeling joyful, appreciative, & peaceful? 

Remember there's a literal holiday collective "vortex" that automatically activates your insides... for deeper healing.

Whatever your experience, be an even stronger version of yourself this time around by plugging into the only true place you're highest self desires to be anyway, which is withYou.

Here are my top 3 ways to stay connected during this time of year:

1--Say NO.  You have the right to not be so flippin busy.  Prioritize what and who are important for you to spend time with.  Say No to those events & gift exchanges that you simply don't have a desire to be a part of.  The more you say No, the easier it'll be to heal the real experiences that trigger the bejesus from you because you'll have way more energy and connection to your self-power to do so.

2--If that familiar person is creating problems & pressures where none exist or blubbering words that're not serving anyone including themselves, and results in you feeling the impulse to get far away or be later left cleaning up the energetic messes within your own self.... then... kindly excuse yourself. 

Yes, you have FULL permission to leave the room, to leave the party, to go outside and take breaks away from whatever it is that doesn't serve your highest self.  Just as everyone has freedom to show up however they may be showing up, you too have freedom to take care of yourself and remove yourself from the situations that don't serve you. 

Even just taking breaks will result in you feeling an increase in your own power to honoryourself and your needs, and it just might be enough to turn the gathering around for yourself so you focus on interactions that do UPlift you.

3--Remember that EVERYTHING you're experiencing in your environment is a direct reflection of Yourself on the inside.  That means that you place the power back into your own Self.  You see how Uncle Seth, your boss, or your Mom are showing up isinformation for you to know an even deeper, more true part of you.

Or, if you're feeling all alone, you claim all of those parts of yourself, loving you Up and your inner child back into her Wholeness.

See all of your environment and triggers as gifts of valuable information and opportunities for deeper healing.  Use this season to heal the parts that're ready to be healed and also to release more in your life that doesn't line up with who you are becoming.

This may include releasing people who no longer align with your true self.  

Have you gotten the memo that abusive, toxic relationships and tolerance to them are no longer acceptable to the collective?  You have FULL permission to release all of them.

I'm not sayin it's always the easiest to do but it's guaranteed that you have a mega posse of Angelic support guiding you, loving you, delivering the best of the best to trigger the f#ck outta you so you can heal deeper in ways your soul is ready for.

Know that your Angelic posse doesn't judge you, they unconditionally love you, and they're always with you celebrating you.

I invite you to use this time, the final 6 weeks of 2018, to clean her up as you prepare readiness for this upcoming grand year ahead of you.

Complete all cycles that're outdated for yourself, balance your karma scales upright, and open yourself to the newest blessings and beginnings that you're ready to experience into your new year.

I'm here celebrating you for all of your victories!

The #1 essential to manifest your abundance is to...

Reeeeeeeeelax & Chiiiiiiill out.

Do whatever you need to do to relax yourself on the INSIDE.  

We're all energy, vibration, and the universe (which is us) responds to our vibration.

Get present to these 2 questions:

1---What FEELINGS will more money bring you?  

2---What THOUGHTS will you be thinking the more you're FEELING those feelings that more money brings for you?

Will you be feeling and thinking more peace & calm?

Will you be feeling and thinking more freedom, fun, & joy?

Will you be feeling and thinking more spacious within yourself?

FEEL these feelings Now.  

Align with these thoughts Now.

BE these experiences Now.

Do whatever you need to do to remain in this space. 

I'm not saying it's always easy to do BUT if you desire to experience the life of your dreams then this is what's required to experience it.  

It takes practice just like anything else!

And it does get easier just like anything that you continue to practice.

It's a muscle that needs to get worked and it WILL get stronger for you.   

REMEMBER.... The Universe is ALWAYS working on your behalf to bring you even MORE, but you must allow yourself to chiiiiiiiiiill and relax the f#ck out.  

Let the Universe do what it's designed to do, which is to romance you like no other in ALL the ways that bring you joy.

YOU are soooooooooooooooooo worth it.

Rise Now with 4 steps...

Be honest, speak up, and LOVE yourself!

Your REAL power resides within the same space where all your life's traumas, challenges, and hardships are stored.  

Rise not despite your pain.  Rise FROM your pain.

Heal ALL of the parts INSIDE of you that've ever experienced betrayal, loneliness, over dominance, & grief of any kind.   

You were born to THRIVE.  You came here to THRIVE.

4 Steps to Rising Now in this time and space:

1--Speak up, tell your truth, be seen, be heard no matter what you may fear.

2--LOVE yourself so deeply and so highly, Woman. 
BE DEVOTED TO YOU, and allow others to treat you the way you allow yourself to love you.

3--Connect into your WHY and your higher purpose on this planet. WHY are you here? What makes your life worth living? How can you be of greater contribution to our planet on the daily?

4--Get extra help from loved ones, professionals, coaches as needed.

We ALL need help and guidance to live our BEST life possible.

Your inner girl is calling for you to love her, Woman...

It's always time to love up your inner child, your inner girl.

If you feel triggered, wounded, sad, angry, rejected, abondoned, resentful, invisible, anxious, scared.... 


If you feel excited, joyful, blissful, euphoric, hopeful, motivated, inspired, loved...


Tell her ALL of the things you needed to hear and needed to feel when you were a little girl, teenager, young lady, woman.  

Slow down.

Be present with her. 

Listen to her. 

Validate her.

Let her know that you have ALL the time in the world for her & that you're with her for eternity.  You're not going anywhere this time!

The reason you may feel separate from her isn't because of what that other person/people did or didn't do or give to you, it's because ultimately you turned your heart away from her.

There's no judgement here.  You've done nothing wrong.  You've done the best you could do by protecting her (you) when others & the world around you weren't so kind to her (you).  

Thank your protective self, your ego mind, for taking care of her (you) in the best way it knew how to at the time.  

Now it's time to tell it that it's job is over.

You're a Woman.  A strong, beautiful, emotionally intelligent, capable Woman.  And it is your Woman that is running the show now.  

Show your little girl the Woman you've become, and love her devotingly & with constant loyalty.

Choose her (you) before anyone or anything else.

Choose her (you) in every single moment of every day until she gets that you are the one she's been searching for, dreaming of, waiting for her entire life to come rescue her.  

You are The One.  The one & only.  Good news at that!

Wherever she is, so are you.  You are One of the same. 

You are her solution and you are her greatest miracle of love she's been searching for her entire life.  

From my inner girl to yours,

Ever wonder WHO you really are?...


Hello Universe,


are the cosmos
the planets & constellations
the fairy dust of enchanted forests
the warmth & energy of the sun
the waves of the ocean
the power of the moon
the godly paws of our angel animals
the giggles of pure children
the creativity of brilliant artists
the intelligence of divine nature
the power that pulsates our hearts
to our ONE beating heart
& ONE intelligent mind

(wink wink)  Do you remember?

(nudge nudge)  How will you be YOU today, which will remind others who they really are?

Have FUN with it!

Lovin you infinitely,